With us
to the World


Founded to fulfill your wishes

Founded by two real pilots, in ItalAir there are almost all of the most loved and widespread aircraft and hundreds of airports. You will have the chance to fly freely from any airport to any other with the aircraft you wish to use. You just have to turn on your imagination... just before starting the engines! The extensive fleet and the very large database of airports, makes It is possible to fly with ItalAir, in addition to the tours and events planned by the Company, also the vast majority of those offered by virtual flight platforms such as Ivao and Vatsim.


Unity our strength

ItalAir is the virtual fantasy company that perfectly complements the 'real' Virtual Alitalia Team Virtual, founded and managed by the same people. The realism of Alitalia Team Virtual and the absolute freedom of ItalAir in a single project, to meet the needs of every one of our pilots!

world is yours

Fly freely as often as you want,
from wherever you want to wherever you want,
with the type of aircraft you want.

Periodic tours

Offers of periodic tours, of various types and commitments, to know which flight to take "without thinking too much" and earn many punishable bonuses. They can be flown independently or in the company of other pilots with whom it is possible to make an agreement.


Single or return flights to be done in a day or a weekend. Airports to discover to fly according to your time availability or by sharing with the other pilots of the Company on our Discord channel. Bonus points also in this case.

IFR flight lessons

FREE training evenings are periodically offered to delve deeper into various topics of IFR flying. Furthermore, virtual pilots can always count on the support of professional pilots who are part of the Companies.

ItalAir Virtual is a free non-profit association. No money is required from its members. It is not linked to any company, commercial entity or real airline. The images and logos on this site that are not the result of the creativity of ItalAir Virtual are registered by their legitimate owners. Any copyright violations can be communicated to our email address and we will take care of removing the affected parts as quickly as possible. In the absence of express authorization from ItalAir Virtual, the transmission or reproduction of any part of this site is not permitted web, its contents and its graphic design. The information reported on this site has been collected accurately, however if some of it proves to be inaccurate, we will be happy to correct it following any kind reports. The personal information provided by members or applicants for ItalAir Virtual is collected in compliance with the privacy law for the exclusive purpose of making it possible for the applicant to participate in the activities of this virtual airline. No personal data collected will be disclosed to third parties. At any time it will be possible to request the viewing, modification or deletion of your personal data acquired by ItalAir Virtual. (Legislative Decree 196/2003)